
Waiting in Taoyuan Airport.

2013/07/30 桃園機場候機
Waiting in Taoyuan Airport.


太餓所以買了一盒鳳梨酥, 因為小姐說某牌有起士味, 馬上自己開盒嗑掉一個

Bought a box of pineapple cake, yet I opened it and had one coz I was hungry www

太餓所以買了一盒鳳梨酥, 因為小姐說某牌有起士味, 馬上自己開盒嗑掉一個
Bought a box of pineapple cake, yet I opened it and had one coz I was hungry www



本次選擇的是荷蘭航空, 直接殺過中國與俄羅斯等國後, 直達阿姆斯特丹轉機, 今年的機票很誇張比去年貴了一萬以上, 大約NT$53000...

This year I went to Germany via KLM, fly through China/Russia and other countries, directly to Amsterdam for transit. This time the ticket is US$400 more expensive compare to last year, about US$1750 Q_Q

本次選擇的是荷蘭航空, 直接殺過中國與俄羅斯等國後, 直達阿姆斯特丹轉機, 今年的機票很誇張比去年貴了一萬以上, 大約NT$53000...
This year I went to Germany via KLM, fly through China/Russia and other countries, directly to Amsterdam for transit. This time the ticket is US$400 more expensive compare to last year, about US$1750 Q_Q



原本預定到阿姆斯特丹後只有55分鐘轉機, 所以被朋友警告可能要手刀奔跑, 而此機場又大到靠北... 緊張了一下, 還好後來飛機用飆的, 早了30分鐘到達, 且接駁的飛機也因為還在加油, 多了點緩衝時間

在阿姆斯特丹過海關時, 海關不太知道歪肯,但是問我喜歡哪團,我回答Rammstein時隔壁的海關轉過來哇了一聲

The planned transit time in Amsterdam was 55 minutes so I was afraid that I might need to run in the airport, but luckily we arrived 30 minutes earlier than the planned time.

When passing through the custom in Amsterdam, the custom doesn't really know Wacken, then he asked me which my favorite band is, when I said Rammstein, his colleague next to him said "Woaw" lol

原本預定到阿姆斯特丹後只有55分鐘轉機, 所以被朋友警告可能要手刀奔跑, 而此機場又大到靠北... 緊張了一下, 還好後來飛機用飆的, 早了30分鐘到達, 且接駁的飛機也因為還在加油, 多了點緩衝時間 在阿姆斯特丹過海關時, 海關不太知道歪肯,但是問我喜歡哪團,我回答Rammstein時隔壁的海關轉過來哇了一聲
The planned transit time in Amsterdam was 55 minutes so I was afraid that I might need to run in the airport, but luckily we arrived 30 minutes earlier than the planned time. When passing through the custom in Amsterdam, the custom doesn't really know Wacken, then he asked me which my favorite band is, when I said Rammstein, his colleague next to him said "Woaw" lol




一個小時左右就從阿姆斯特丹抵達漢堡機場, 到大廳立刻看到音樂祭的接駁巴士指標, 在提行李時也遇到了版友Kenshinsandy, 這時才知道我們根本同班飛機過來的, 後來Lovemusic也出現了

It takes about one hour from Amsterdam to Hamburg, right away you can see the sign for Wacken bus. I found Kenshinsandy while waiting for my luggage, it turned that we were on the same flights. Then another friend Lovemusic also shew up here.

一個小時左右就從阿姆斯特丹抵達漢堡機場, 到大廳立刻看到音樂祭的接駁巴士指標, 在提行李時也遇到了版友Kenshinsandy, 這時才知道我們根本同班飛機過來的, 後來Lovemusic也出現了
It takes about one hour from Amsterdam to Hamburg, right away you can see the sign for Wacken bus. I found Kenshinsandy while waiting for my luggage, it turned that we were on the same flights. Then another friend Lovemusic also shew up here.




漢堡機場算是離歪肯最近的機場, 在機場詢問台也有歪肯的海報, 在機場買了張35歐的預付卡後, 去寄放行李, 但迷路了一下, 因為用電梯時忘記德國的地面層是0樓, 不是1樓... 有個先生連續兩次都看到我們在電梯裡, 就帶我們去找寄行李的地方了 www

Hamburger Airport is the closest airport to Wacken, you can even see the W:O:A poster here in the Airport Office. I bought a prepaid card in the airport for 35 euro, and got lost when going to luggage storage coz we forgot in Germany the ground floor is "0" (in Taiwan it's 1), then a Mister helped us coz he saw us twice while waiting for the lift lol

漢堡機場算是離歪肯最近的機場, 在機場詢問台也有歪肯的海報, 在機場買了張35歐的預付卡後, 去寄放行李, 但迷路了一下, 因為用電梯時忘記德國的地面層是0樓, 不是1樓... 有個先生連續兩次都看到我們在電梯裡, 就帶我們去找寄行李的地方了
www Hamburger Airport is the closest airport to Wacken, you can even see the W:O:A poster here in the Airport Office. I bought a prepaid card in the airport for 35 euro, and got lost when going to luggage storage coz we forgot in Germany the ground floor is "0" (in Taiwan it's 1), then a Mister helped us coz he saw us twice while waiting for the lift lol




寄行李的原因只是想趁接駁車來之前, 先搭車去漢堡市區逛逛, 車上有宣導推廣風力發電減少核能的廣告, 在德國也常常可以看到風力發電設備

We put the luggage in storage because we wanted to look around in the city before getting on the bus to Wacken, on S-Bahn we saw some advertisement about using more wind power and less nuclear power.

寄行李的原因只是想趁接駁車來之前, 先搭車去漢堡市區逛逛, 車上有宣導推廣風力發電減少核能的廣告, 在德國也常常可以看到風力發電設備
We put the luggage in storage because we wanted to look around in the city before getting on the bus to Wacken, on S-Bahn we saw some advertisement about using more wind power and less nuclear power.



原本鎖定要在某站附近找NewRock的店, 不過因為時間太早附近的店也都還沒開, 加上時間有點緊, 所以在附近待了30分鐘左右就衝回去搭車回機場

We were trying to go to a NewRock shop, but it was too early so most of the shops were still closed, we didn't have enough time, so we stayed only 30 minutes before heading back to the airport.

原本鎖定要在某站附近找NewRock的店, 不過因為時間太早附近的店也都還沒開, 加上時間有點緊, 所以在附近待了30分鐘左右就衝回去搭車回機場
We were trying to go to a NewRock shop, but it was too early so most of the shops were still closed, we didn't have enough time, so we stayed only 30 minutes before heading back to the airport.




搭車地點離原本的航廈有一點點遠, 我們回漢堡機場領完行李後, 版友Brooklyn打電話跟我們說: "巴士公司的人告知再一分鐘要開車了", 我們把行李放上推車一路狂奔到歪肯巴士旁邊, 車差點要開走了啊啊啊啊~~~ 只好把推車棄置在那裡, 放棄了在推車裡的一歐

After getting back to the airport, we got our luggage and run all the way to Wacken bus since it's leaving, had to give up my 1 euro which is still in the pushcart.

搭車地點離原本的航廈有一點點遠, 我們回漢堡機場領完行李後, 版友Brooklyn打電話跟我們說: "巴士公司的人告知再一分鐘要開車了", 我們把行李放上推車一路狂奔到歪肯巴士旁邊, 車差點要開走了啊啊啊啊~~~ 只好把推車棄置在那裡, 放棄了在推車裡的一歐
After getting back to the airport, we got our luggage and run all the way to Wacken bus since it's leaving, had to give up my 1 euro which is still in the pushcart.




這次因為晚到所以剩一個最前排的位子可以坐, 但好像也不錯, 風景好XD 一路上聽到後面有德國人不時在大合唱

I was late so there weren't many choices, I took a seat in the front, it was actually nice. I could hear some German seated near the rear of the bus singing some random songs.

這次因為晚到所以剩一個最前排的位子可以坐, 但好像也不錯, 風景好XD 一路上聽到後面有德國人不時在大合唱
I was late so there weren't many choices, I took a seat in the front, it was actually nice. I could hear some German seated near the rear of the bus singing some random songs.




路上插曲是有個屁股露出一半的光頭叔, 他走過來跟司機說: "運將, 我很想尿尿, 可不可以放風一下", 運將說不然就再5分鐘吧, 光頭叔於是後轉對全車大喊: "要尿尿的, 再5分鐘就可以解放了啊!!!"

On the way there was a skinhead guy, he came to ask the driver: "I really wanna pee, can we stop somewhere?"
, then the driver answered: "5 more minutes."

The guy turned back and announced: "Guys who wanna pee, in 5 minutes!!!"

路上插曲是有個屁股露出一半的光頭叔, 他走過來跟司機說: "運將, 我很想尿尿, 可不可以放風一下", 運將說不然就再5分鐘吧, 光頭叔於是後轉對全車大喊: "要尿尿的, 再5分鐘就可以解放了啊!!!"
On the way there was a skinhead guy, he came to ask the driver: "I really wanna pee, can we stop somewhere?" , then the driver answered: "5 more minutes." The guy turned back and announced: "Guys who wanna pee, in 5 minutes!!!"




接近歪肯之後就會發現塞車塞了整個線道, 這可能是自己開車來的人要面對的事情, 接駁巴士則是走另一個動線, 所以暢行無阻

When getting close to Wacken, you'll see many cars on the same line, you might need to face this if you are going by driving, the bus is going to another entrance so it was quick.

接近歪肯之後就會發現塞車塞了整個線道, 這可能是自己開車來的人要面對的事情, 接駁巴士則是走另一個動線, 所以暢行無阻
When getting close to Wacken, you'll see many cars on the same line, you might need to face this if you are going by driving, the bus is going to another entrance so it was quick.




到Wacken時就會開始看到一些金屬頭跟人力車等等, 遠方看到大大的黑底白字布條, 寫著...

Then you'll see some metalheads, and the black banner which says...

到Wacken時就會開始看到一些金屬頭跟人力車等等, 遠方看到大大的黑底白字布條, 寫著...
Then you'll see some metalheads, and the black banner which says...







現在每年的歪肯都會把當年主要陣容畫成一張海報, 剛到達的時候就會看到有海報的板子可以拍照, 頭還有挖空

You can try this in Wacken.

現在每年的歪肯都會把當年主要陣容畫成一張海報, 剛到達的時候就會看到有海報的板子可以拍照, 頭還有挖空
You can try this in Wacken.




我們拖著行李到換手環的地方, 其實離下車的地方滿遠的, 但這裡就是音樂祭與露營區接壤的中央主要區域, 算是在"Wacken Plaza"這塊地方, 這邊還有寄物櫃(滿小的也不便宜)跟充電站(Electric Hotel), 但因為我另外跟今年的3D記錄片小組有約時間, 所以後來我自己在這邊等他們來, 其他人先去找地方搭帳篷

Then we were carrying our luggage all the way to the place where we can get our wristband for the festival, it's on the centre of the festival and camping area, it should be part of "Wacken Plaza" and there are also rental lockers and electric hotel in this area. Had to wait for the Wacken 3D team here so I was waiting alone when my friends finished getting wristbands and went to set their tents.

我們拖著行李到換手環的地方, 其實離下車的地方滿遠的, 但這裡就是音樂祭與露營區接壤的中央主要區域, 算是在"Wacken Plaza"這塊地方, 這邊還有寄物櫃(滿小的也不便宜)跟充電站(Electric Hotel), 但因為我另外跟今年的3D記錄片小組有約時間, 所以後來我自己在這邊等他們來, 其他人先去找地方搭帳篷
Then we were carrying our luggage all the way to the place where we can get our wristband for the festival, it's on the centre of the festival and camping area, it should be part of "Wacken Plaza" and there are also rental lockers and electric hotel in this area. Had to wait for the Wacken 3D team here so I was waiting alone when my friends finished getting wristbands and went to set their tents.




等了幾十分鐘後3D team的人來了, 不過還在搞定一些攝影機的問題, 這時就有醉漢跑過來鬧了, 那個先生醉到把欄杆都趴倒了, 還跑過來要騎我的行李箱, 後來攝影小組的先生就過來叫他滾

After about 20 minutes the 3D team arrived, but needed to fix some problems of the camera, then a drunken guy came to us, he was too drunk so he tried to lean on the barrier, then the barrier fell down -.-" The 3D team staff told him to leave me alone when they saw the guy trying to ride on my luggage.

等了幾十分鐘後3D team的人來了, 不過還在搞定一些攝影機的問題, 這時就有醉漢跑過來鬧了, 那個先生醉到把欄杆都趴倒了, 還跑過來要騎我的行李箱, 後來攝影小組的先生就過來叫他滾
After about 20 minutes the 3D team arrived, but needed to fix some problems of the camera, then a drunken guy came to us, he was too drunk so he tried to lean on the barrier, then the barrier fell down -.-" The 3D team staff told him to leave me alone when they saw the guy trying to ride on my luggage.







終於搞定攝影機問題後, 拍攝了我換手環的畫面, 這時卻跟友人失聯了, 大家忙著搭帳篷所以手機幾乎都沒人接, 所以我帶著攝影隊一起另找地方搭帳篷, 我在路上走, 後面跟著4.5個人在拍攝跟收音, 路上金屬頭看到攝影機時一堆都跑來亂入, 而我被交付的任務是要假裝沒看到攝影機

After shooting some scenes about getting my wristband, I couldn't get in touch with my friend since obviously everybody was busy setting their own tent, so I decided to find a random place to set mine, the 3D team was following me to shoot the process and a lot of metalheads were trying to get their faces shot, but my mission is "pretend I can't see the camera".

終於搞定攝影機問題後, 拍攝了我換手環的畫面, 這時卻跟友人失聯了, 大家忙著搭帳篷所以手機幾乎都沒人接, 所以我帶著攝影隊一起另找地方搭帳篷, 我在路上走, 後面跟著4.5個人在拍攝跟收音, 路上金屬頭看到攝影機時一堆都跑來亂入, 而我被交付的任務是要假裝沒看到攝影機
After shooting some scenes about getting my wristband, I couldn't get in touch with my friend since obviously everybody was busy setting their own tent, so I decided to find a random place to set mine, the 3D team was following me to shoot the process and a lot of metalheads were trying to get their faces shot, but my mission is "pretend I can't see the camera".




走了不遠就看到一塊大空地, 馬上把我的綠色帳篷搭上去, 當然全程都是被攝影機拍下來, 好險搭帳篷這件事我在家裡練過了, 搭在我家的雙人床上... 晚點回來後附近有鄰居過來跟我講話, 我才知道附近是一群德國人跟以色列人,我以為他們要叫我搬走, 好險他們說不用, 只是要確認一下是誰住在這裡

Walked a bit, I saw a space and decided to set my tent here, later a person nearby came to tell me that there are mostly German and Israelian in this area, I was thinking if they want me to move to other places, but they said it's fine, they just wanted to know who's camping here.

走了不遠就看到一塊大空地, 馬上把我的綠色帳篷搭上去, 當然全程都是被攝影機拍下來, 好險搭帳篷這件事我在家裡練過了, 搭在我家的雙人床上... 晚點回來後附近有鄰居過來跟我講話, 我才知道附近是一群德國人跟以色列人,我以為他們要叫我搬走, 好險他們說不用, 只是要確認一下是誰住在這裡
Walked a bit, I saw a space and decided to set my tent here, later a person nearby came to tell me that there are mostly German and Israelian in this area, I was thinking if they want me to move to other places, but they said it's fine, they just wanted to know who's camping here.




我帳篷附近還有個轉角, 天天都有人在那邊聽歌喝酒趴踢, 我到現在還是不確定那是一個趴踢攤位, 還是誰的帳篷趴踢區延伸版

There was a corner near my tent where there were people drinking all the time(well this happens in every corner in Wacken) still I'm not sure if it was a shop or it was some people's party area.

我帳篷附近還有個轉角, 天天都有人在那邊聽歌喝酒趴踢, 我到現在還是不確定那是一個趴踢攤位, 還是誰的帳篷趴踢區延伸版
There was a corner near my tent where there were people drinking all the time(well this happens in every corner in Wacken) still I'm not sure if it was a shop or it was some people's party area.




結束在帳篷區的錄影後, 我走去維京村觀光了一下, 維京村裡本身有個舞台, 常有很好看的民謠金屬表演, 還有許多奇怪的裝置可以看, 有蜂蜜酒跟各類啤酒可以喝, 也有一些遊戲以及扮裝人物, 還有常常上演的中古世紀戰場, 甚至是遊行, 很多節目是你事先查不到的, 所以一到維京村會被很多新鮮的東西吸引, 發現在這邊可以待很久

Finished shooting, I went to the Wackinger Village and this is a place you must spend some time for, you get folk metal bands, beer and MET, people in medieval costumes, medieval battle, or even parades. Wackinger Village is not really big but there is endless fun here!

結束在帳篷區的錄影後, 我走去維京村觀光了一下, 維京村裡本身有個舞台, 常有很好看的民謠金屬表演, 還有許多奇怪的裝置可以看, 有蜂蜜酒跟各類啤酒可以喝, 也有一些遊戲以及扮裝人物, 還有常常上演的中古世紀戰場, 甚至是遊行, 很多節目是你事先查不到的, 所以一到維京村會被很多新鮮的東西吸引, 發現在這邊可以待很久
Finished shooting, I went to the Wackinger Village and this is a place you must spend some time for, you get folk metal bands, beer and MET, people in medieval costumes, medieval battle, or even parades. Wackinger Village is not really big but there is endless fun here!





歪肯也是適合小朋友來的地方, 走著走著就看到一個SLAYER小杯比, 但我想其實40-50歲的人可能是第一或第二大宗, 所以看到一些不滿40的人在說自己太老不能去音樂祭時, 我只好呵呵, 更別說這邊有多少60歲以上的金屬阿公阿嬤了

Wacken is for everyone, even a little kid. You are never too old for Wacken, by the way.

歪肯也是適合小朋友來的地方, 走著走著就看到一個SLAYER小杯比, 但我想其實40-50歲的人可能是第一或第二大宗, 所以看到一些不滿40的人在說自己太老不能去音樂祭時, 我只好呵呵, 更別說這邊有多少60歲以上的金屬阿公阿嬤了
Wacken is for everyone, even a little kid. You are never too old for Wacken, by the way.


如果你有小孩的話... XD

If you even have kids... XD

如果你有小孩的話... XD
If you even have kids... XD


去看了一下周邊商品攤, 第一天因為有點晚去, 很多東西都斷碼了, 這時就建議第二天再來搶, 基本上會補貨, 今年10歐的帽子很快就賣光光了, 誰叫今年的太陽曬死人, 每天都30幾度, 這溫度在台灣的夏天也許是常態, 但德國的夏天不是常常有這種高溫的

I checked the merchandise but I was too late to get my size, better come again earlier tomorrow since they will put more in stock everyday. The Wacken hat sold out very quick this year since it was really hot, more than 30 degrees.

去看了一下周邊商品攤, 第一天因為有點晚去, 很多東西都斷碼了, 這時就建議第二天再來搶, 基本上會補貨, 今年10歐的帽子很快就賣光光了, 誰叫今年的太陽曬死人, 每天都30幾度, 這溫度在台灣的夏天也許是常態, 但德國的夏天不是常常有這種高溫的
I checked the merchandise but I was too late to get my size, better come again earlier tomorrow since they will put more in stock everyday. The Wacken hat sold out very quick this year since it was really hot, more than 30 degrees.




這次因為想把大舞台區以外的地方多看多走一下, 我來到了啤酒花園(Beer Garden), 這邊也有個舞台, 就叫Beer Garden Stage, 常常看到一些很有趣的團表演, 甚至是把所有金屬經典歌曲都改成不插電板, 最鏘的是還唱到自己笑場; 舞台前有一大塊空地讓人近距離看表演, 然後是一排排的大量桌椅, 沒事可以在這吃吃喝喝聊天聽歌, 偶爾也會看到人站到桌子上跳舞, 這邊還可以遠觀大舞台區跟表演螢幕

I visited the Beer Garten, there is also a stage here with some funny bands who burst out laughing while singing some unplug version metal classics. You can stand in front of the stage to watch the gig, or take a seat to chat, eat and drink with random metalheads. Sometimes people dance, on the table sometimes xD

這次因為想把大舞台區以外的地方多看多走一下, 我來到了啤酒花園(Beer Garden), 這邊也有個舞台, 就叫Beer Garden Stage, 常常看到一些很有趣的團表演, 甚至是把所有金屬經典歌曲都改成不插電板, 最鏘的是還唱到自己笑場; 舞台前有一大塊空地讓人近距離看表演, 然後是一排排的大量桌椅, 沒事可以在這吃吃喝喝聊天聽歌, 偶爾也會看到人站到桌子上跳舞, 這邊還可以遠觀大舞台區跟表演螢幕
I visited the Beer Garten, there is also a stage here with some funny bands who burst out laughing while singing some unplug version metal classics. You can stand in front of the stage to watch the gig, or take a seat to chat, eat and drink with random metalheads. Sometimes people dance, on the table sometimes xD




這天導演帶我到Bullhead City的後台玩, 他們要拍一個來自羅馬尼亞的團, 所以得到機會參觀Bullhead City的後台跟樂團休息區, 超爽, 一開始被工作人員刁難(手上沒有進後台的手環), 但因為今年Wacken把3D記錄片列為重點, 所以我想導演的權力滿大的, 一直帶我這個路人到處闖禁區XDDD

After 2011 seeing Chris Boltendahl in Artist Village, I'm in the backstage again, this time backstage of Bullhead City.

這天導演帶我到Bullhead City的後台玩, 他們要拍一個來自羅馬尼亞的團, 所以得到機會參觀Bullhead City的後台跟樂團休息區, 超爽, 一開始被工作人員刁難(手上沒有進後台的手環), 但因為今年Wacken把3D記錄片列為重點, 所以我想導演的權力滿大的, 一直帶我這個路人到處闖禁區XDDD
After 2011 seeing Chris Boltendahl in Artist Village, I'm in the backstage again, this time backstage of Bullhead City.




維京村對面就是Bullhead City, 這其實在我帳篷附近而已. Bullhead City是一個很大的帳篷, 裡面有兩個舞台交替演出, 一個叫WET STAGE, 一個叫Headbanger Stage, 在這第0天會有很多來自世界各地的樂團表演, 這些是來自各國"Metal Battle"的優勝者, 可惜目前台灣還沒有舉辦過Metal Battle, 日本跟中國都有辦過幾次, 所以今年也有看到一些日本跟中國團

Opposite to the Wackinger Village is Bullhead City, where there are 2 stages: "WET STAGE" and "Headbanger Stage", in the 0th day of the festival, there are winners from Metal Battle in many countries performing here, but there hasn't been any Metal Battle held in Taiwan yet. There were some bands from Japan and China this year.

維京村對面就是Bullhead City, 這其實在我帳篷附近而已. Bullhead City是一個很大的帳篷, 裡面有兩個舞台交替演出, 一個叫WET STAGE, 一個叫Headbanger Stage, 在這第0天會有很多來自世界各地的樂團表演, 這些是來自各國"Metal Battle"的優勝者, 可惜目前台灣還沒有舉辦過Metal Battle, 日本跟中國都有辦過幾次, 所以今年也有看到一些日本跟中國團
Opposite to the Wackinger Village is Bullhead City, where there are 2 stages: "WET STAGE" and "Headbanger Stage", in the 0th day of the festival, there are winners from Metal Battle in many countries performing here, but there hasn't been any Metal Battle held in Taiwan yet. There were some bands from Japan and China this year.




然後我這組的導演跟我說: "欸欸, 明天晚上這邊有卡拉ok大會, 你上台吧, 不過明天才能跟你說可以挑的歌, 在WET STAGE唱"

幹, 那不是去年看閃靈的地方嗎? 看來今晚是睡不好了

Then the director told me that I might get the chance to go on the stage at karaoke time tomorrow, but they need to wait till tomorrow to tell me what choices I have.

On WET STAGE, where Chthonic performed last year. 

Jesus Christ. (facepalm)


然後我這組的導演跟我說: "欸欸, 明天晚上這邊有卡拉ok大會, 你上台吧, 不過明天才能跟你說可以挑的歌, 在WET STAGE唱" 幹, 那不是去年看閃靈的地方嗎? 看來今晚是睡不好了
Then the director told me that I might get the chance to go on the stage at karaoke time tomorrow, but they need to wait till tomorrow to tell me what choices I have. On WET STAGE, where Chthonic performed last year. Jesus Christ. (facepalm) ===============================




2013/08/01早上, 這是W:O:A大舞台表演開放的第一天, 早上7點多就被熱醒, 在帳棚裡吃自己帶來的乖乖, 因為外面在下雨, 本日絕對不能錯過的觀賞重點是雷姆斯汀

It was too hot so I got up around 7am, eating snack in my tent coz it was raining. But no matter what, you can't miss Rammstein.

2013/08/01早上, 這是W:O:A大舞台表演開放的第一天, 早上7點多就被熱醒, 在帳棚裡吃自己帶來的乖乖, 因為外面在下雨, 本日絕對不能錯過的觀賞重點是雷姆斯汀 It was too hot so I got up around 7am, eating snack in my tent coz it was raining. But no matter what, you can't miss Rammstein.




雨停後, 因為上次洗澡已經是三天前的事了, 於是出門尋找水龍頭, 用水龍頭直接洗頭, 方法是直接把頭塞到水龍頭下面, 非常簡單

長頭髮的人要注意自己的頭髮是不是泡在別人刷完牙吐出來的水裡... 但水龍頭必須自己按住才會有水出來, 角度還要對水才會大一點, 我洗到一半, 對面的大叔看不下去還幫我按

我知道有人寧願排淋浴間, 但這種地方你不體會一下有點可惜, 因為常會看到有正妹直接脫到剩內衣在擦澡=w= 好正妹, 不看嗎?

大熱天用冰冰涼涼的水洗頭, 直接在太陽下曬乾, 其實還滿爽的

Then I managed to wash my hair for the first time after leaving home... found the tap and sink XDDD But it wasn't easy since you need to keep on pressing the tap to get the water. 

Then I let my hair dried under the sunlight, feel great XD

雨停後, 因為上次洗澡已經是三天前的事了, 於是出門尋找水龍頭, 用水龍頭直接洗頭, 方法是直接把頭塞到水龍頭下面, 非常簡單 長頭髮的人要注意自己的頭髮是不是泡在別人刷完牙吐出來的水裡... 但水龍頭必須自己按住才會有水出來, 角度還要對水才會大一點, 我洗到一半, 對面的大叔看不下去還幫我按 我知道有人寧願排淋浴間, 但這種地方你不體會一下有點可惜, 因為常會看到有正妹直接脫到剩內衣在擦澡=w= 好正妹, 不看嗎? 大熱天用冰冰涼涼的水洗頭, 直接在太陽下曬乾, 其實還滿爽的 Then I managed to wash my hair for the first time after leaving home... found the tap and sink XDDD But it wasn't easy since you need to keep on pressing the tap to get the water. Then I let my hair dried under the sunlight, feel great XD


出門亂晃時剛好在置物櫃附近遇到朋友, 就一起去走走

Met some friends while looking around.

出門亂晃時剛好在置物櫃附近遇到朋友, 就一起去走走
Met some friends while looking around.




路上看到歪肯的坐柱子比賽The W:O:A pole-sitting contest 

在柱子上撐最久的人可以獲得VIP資格, 可以到兩個大舞台內邊2.5M高的台子上看樂團演出!!!

規則: 在柱上待6小時, 每2小時可以放風10分鐘(這比鬼島很多工作還要有人性)

捐款: 4根柱子都各有一家公司贊助, 你每坐一小時, 他們就會捐10歐給Wacken基金會, 這是一個慈善組織, 會補助一些年輕的金屬樂團.

另外會有1根柱子是讓大家拍照用的, 你也可以爬上去欣賞一下風景, 只要你有捐款就可以了, 金額隨意

坐柱子比賽的時間是從星期三到星期六, 10:00-16:00, 16:30-22:30
至於柱子設的點, 雖然離大舞台不是很近, 但是是可以看得到表演的地方

The W:O:A pole-sitting contest. 

The rules are fairly simple. You need stand 6 hours on one of the poles. Except for 10 minutes every 2 hours, the seat may not be left. So you can enjoy the festival in an height of 2.5 m and have a look while the bands are playing on Black & True stage. 

Like in the last year, four companies will take sponsorship for one pole each. For every hour you have been sitting on the pole they are going to donate € 10 to the Wacken Foundation. The Foundation is a charitable organization, which deals in the request of the Wacken Open Air promoter, while supporting young metal bands. For more information on the festival you are invited to visit the Wacken Foundation Camp right across the pole-sitting.

The pole-sitting time: from Wednesday to Saturday; 10.00 h – 16.00 h and 16.30 h – 22.30 h.

路上看到歪肯的坐柱子比賽The W:O:A pole-sitting contest 在柱子上撐最久的人可以獲得VIP資格, 可以到兩個大舞台內邊2.5M高的台子上看樂團演出!!! 規則: 在柱上待6小時, 每2小時可以放風10分鐘(這比鬼島很多工作還要有人性) 捐款: 4根柱子都各有一家公司贊助, 你每坐一小時, 他們就會捐10歐給Wacken基金會, 這是一個慈善組織, 會補助一些年輕的金屬樂團. 另外會有1根柱子是讓大家拍照用的, 你也可以爬上去欣賞一下風景, 只要你有捐款就可以了, 金額隨意 坐柱子比賽的時間是從星期三到星期六, 10:00-16:00, 16:30-22:30 至於柱子設的點, 雖然離大舞台不是很近, 但是是可以看得到表演的地方
The W:O:A pole-sitting contest. Rules: The rules are fairly simple. You need stand 6 hours on one of the poles. Except for 10 minutes every 2 hours, the seat may not be left. So you can enjoy the festival in an height of 2.5 m and have a look while the bands are playing on Black & True stage. Donations: Like in the last year, four companies will take sponsorship for one pole each. For every hour you have been sitting on the pole they are going to donate € 10 to the Wacken Foundation. The Foundation is a charitable organization, which deals in the request of the Wacken Open Air promoter, while supporting young metal bands. For more information on the festival you are invited to visit the Wacken Foundation Camp right across the pole-sitting. The pole-sitting time: from Wednesday to Saturday; 10.00 h – 16.00 h and 16.30 h – 22.30 h.




一般團來歪肯都是把周邊商品寄放在歪肯的攤位賣, 雷姆斯汀是開一台很霸氣的大卡車自己賣自己的, 很多人一早就在排隊搶購

舞台也是, 一般來說音樂祭的大舞台一天下來會有很多團使用, 但今年雷姆斯汀是特例, 8/1只有他們使用True Metal Stage, 因為舞台裝置太複雜了, 完全就像是把專場演唱會搬到音樂祭來, 而且據樂迷跟我們說音樂祭票價比專場便宜, 平常想買演唱會票又總是5分鐘完售, 所以大家一聽到雷姆斯汀要來歪肯, 馬上就來搶票了

Rammstein's merchandise truck (!)

一般團來歪肯都是把周邊商品寄放在歪肯的攤位賣, 雷姆斯汀是開一台很霸氣的大卡車自己賣自己的, 很多人一早就在排隊搶購 舞台也是, 一般來說音樂祭的大舞台一天下來會有很多團使用, 但今年雷姆斯汀是特例, 8/1只有他們使用True Metal Stage, 因為舞台裝置太複雜了, 完全就像是把專場演唱會搬到音樂祭來, 而且據樂迷跟我們說音樂祭票價比專場便宜, 平常想買演唱會票又總是5分鐘完售, 所以大家一聽到雷姆斯汀要來歪肯, 馬上就來搶票了
Rammstein's merchandise truck (!)




走一走發現會場也有在賣雨鞋, 當然並不便宜

You can get rainboots here, but better bring your own.

走一走發現會場也有在賣雨鞋, 當然並不便宜
You can get rainboots here, but better bring your own.




路上有很多特殊裝扮的人可以合照, 帶個動物頭套的很常見, 結果這次拍完才發現對方要收錢, 牌子上有寫但是看不懂, 後來盧一盧就閃人了

We took a picture with this guy but didn't know on the plate it says he's gonna charge for taking pictures. Didn't pay anyway ^_<~*

路上有很多特殊裝扮的人可以合照, 帶個動物頭套的很常見, 結果這次拍完才發現對方要收錢, 牌子上有寫但是看不懂, 後來盧一盧就閃人了
We took a picture with this guy but didn't know on the plate it says he's gonna charge for taking pictures. Didn't pay anyway ^_<~*




走一走又遇到一個老兄, 用餐盤拼了一套盔甲裝, 超威

This is awesome xDDDD

走一走又遇到一個老兄, 用餐盤拼了一套盔甲裝, 超威 This is awesome xDDDD


去看了一下朋友的帳篷, 一個6人帳, 一個1~2人帳, 聽說搭6人帳時搭到貧血差點昏倒, 奉勸大家人手不夠千萬不要搭到6人啊, 太操了

Went to check friends' tents, 6 people tent vs. 1~2 people tent, he was gonna faint while setting the 6 people tent. Warning: don't try 6 people tent unless you have enough people to help you.

去看了一下朋友的帳篷, 一個6人帳, 一個1~2人帳, 聽說搭6人帳時搭到貧血差點昏倒, 奉勸大家人手不夠千萬不要搭到6人啊, 太操了
Went to check friends' tents, 6 people tent vs. 1~2 people tent, he was gonna faint while setting the 6 people tent. Warning: don't try 6 people tent unless you have enough people to help you.




我的荷蘭朋友跟我說: 你來歪肯一定要露營啦!! 這次我終於懂為什麼了, 因為露營區充滿了各式各樣的鏘人跟自備娛樂設施, 你永遠不知道下個轉角有甚麼, 走著走著還看到盪鞦韆

My Dutch friend told me: "One of the best parts in W:O:A is camping, you have to try it!" Now I know why, coz there are many kind of things brought by random people every year, even swing! You never know what you're gonna find in the next corner in camping area

我的荷蘭朋友跟我說: 你來歪肯一定要露營啦!! 這次我終於懂為什麼了, 因為露營區充滿了各式各樣的鏘人跟自備娛樂設施, 你永遠不知道下個轉角有甚麼, 走著走著還看到盪鞦韆
My Dutch friend told me: "One of the best parts in W:O:A is camping, you have to try it!" Now I know why, coz there are many kind of things brought by random people every year, even swing! You never know what you're gonna find in the next corner in camping area




附近的帳篷區已經有穿著蘇格蘭裙的金屬頭喝鏘了在睡覺, 這時才下午吧
德國朋友: 德國人就是醒來就喝, 喝就對了啦

Someone was already drunk in the early afternoon, as my German friend told me: We drink from the morning.

附近的帳篷區已經有穿著蘇格蘭裙的金屬頭喝鏘了在睡覺, 這時才下午吧
德國朋友: 德國人就是醒來就喝, 喝就對了啦
Someone was already drunk in the early afternoon, as my German friend told me: We drink from the morning.





And of course in festival area.

舞台區當然也不遑多讓 And of course in festival area.



Even Batman got drunk in Wacken.

歪肯是個連蝙蝠俠都會醉倒的地方 Even Batman got drunk in Wacken.


經過附近還發現欄杆的洞裡被塞滿了喝完的啤酒罐, 構出W:O:A跟大牛頭圖案

Beer can art.

經過附近還發現欄杆的洞裡被塞滿了喝完的啤酒罐, 構出W:O:A跟大牛頭圖案
Beer can art.




因為天氣真的很熱, 所以去找了一下傳說中的歪肯超市, 其實在露營區的設點還不少, 在這邊可以買到一些基本的食物跟飲料, 比會場便宜

一瓶2公升的可樂大概3歐, 我手賤買了沒看過的西班牙果汁, 也不知道它是本來就含酒精, 還是天氣太熱發酵, 喝幾口就快醉了, 最後只好放棄它 囧

Wacken super market, which you can find easily in camping area. 2 litre of Coke Cola is about 3 euro, I bought something like Spanish style juice... dunno what it exactly is, I'm not sure if it contains alcohol, or it fermented because of the heat, I got a bit drunk after drinking it, had to give it up

因為天氣真的很熱, 所以去找了一下傳說中的歪肯超市, 其實在露營區的設點還不少, 在這邊可以買到一些基本的食物跟飲料, 比會場便宜 一瓶2公升的可樂大概3歐, 我手賤買了沒看過的西班牙果汁, 也不知道它是本來就含酒精, 還是天氣太熱發酵, 喝幾口就快醉了, 最後只好放棄它 囧
Wacken super market, which you can find easily in camping area. 2 litre of Coke Cola is about 3 euro, I bought something like Spanish style juice... dunno what it exactly is, I'm not sure if it contains alcohol, or it fermented because of the heat, I got a bit drunk after drinking it, had to give it up




一大罐水約2歐, 這時已經價值觀崩壞, 看到2歐跟看到台幣20元反應一樣, 換算想到是台幣80塊, 滿哭哭的
The bottle of water is 2 euro.

一大罐水約2歐, 這時已經價值觀崩壞, 看到2歐跟看到台幣20元反應一樣, 換算想到是台幣80塊, 滿哭哭的 The bottle of water is 2 euro.


其實在歪肯也可以找得到洗衣機服務, 還有個被保護罩包圍的曬衣場, 旁邊是一個小舞台, 有時會有令人噴飯的歡樂卡拉ok

You can even find laundry service in Wacken, next to it is a small stage, sometimes you see people singing karaoke there.

其實在歪肯也可以找得到洗衣機服務, 還有個被保護罩包圍的曬衣場, 旁邊是一個小舞台, 有時會有令人噴飯的歡樂卡拉ok
You can even find laundry service in Wacken, next to it is a small stage, sometimes you see people singing karaoke there.




這天下午兩點, 我們跟攝影隊說好要去歪肯的明信片攤位, 因為我們想要拍照做成明信片寄給朋友, 話說這服務我也是問臉書上的歪肯工作人員才知道, 只是有一點貴, 印一張要2.5歐, 要寄的話要多加0.9歐

This afternoon, we went to take photos for making postcards. To make a postcard it costs 2.5 euro, 0.9 more for sending. So every postcard you send costs 3.4 euro. Thanks for a friend on my facebook who's working for W:O:A, he told me this information.

這天下午兩點, 我們跟攝影隊說好要去歪肯的明信片攤位, 因為我們想要拍照做成明信片寄給朋友, 話說這服務我也是問臉書上的歪肯工作人員才知道, 只是有一點貴, 印一張要2.5歐, 要寄的話要多加0.9歐
This afternoon, we went to take photos for making postcards. To make a postcard it costs 2.5 euro, 0.9 more for sending. So every postcard you send costs 3.4 euro. Thanks for a friend on my facebook who's working for W:O:A, he told me this information.




但為了那個郵戳我還是衝了快20張, 加上上午買的一件帽T一件短T, 本日瞬間燒掉100歐

Still I sent nearlly 20 postcards from Wacken, and since I bought a hoodie and T-shirt this morning... I spent nearly 100 euro in one day (facepalm)

但為了那個郵戳我還是衝了快20張, 加上上午買的一件帽T一件短T, 本日瞬間燒掉100歐 Still I sent nearlly 20 postcards from Wacken, and since I bought a hoodie and T-shirt this morning... I spent nearly 100 euro in one day (facepalm)



左邊的是本組導演Marco Wilms, 他來台灣參加過幾次金馬影展, 之前拍紀錄片時還有跟雷姆斯汀合作過, 最近拍的新記錄片叫做Art War, 是關於埃及藝術家革命電影, 問了他一下, 他說他花了2年時間, 飛了7次埃及, 近期內他可能還會再來台灣, 因為他接下來的構想是跟台灣的某個文化有關係的XDDD


右邊的是攝影師Marcus Winterbauer, 他跟我說他7年前就來拍過歪肯, 我問他是甚麼片子, 他說是Full Metal Village... (當場大叫) 然後我跟他說我有翻譯那部片子的預告片字幕, 放上Youtube, 他整個笑開懷

他也是親切度爆表啊, 一直跟我灌迷湯說"剛剛的鏡頭很好, 很好"

Left: Our director Marco, his latest film is called "Art War", about the artists in Egypt, he flew to Egypt 7 times for shooting this film and it took him 2 years. He also has another film in which he cooperated with Rammstein. He has been to Taiwan several times for the Golden Horse Film Festival. He might be here again for some reason XD I need to thank him for taking me to so many special area and made it possible for me to do some crazy stuff, didn't really try crowd surfing though.

Right: Marcus, he's the cinematographer, when he told me he came to shoot in Wacken 7 years ago, I asked him the reason, it turns that he's the cinematographer of Full Metal Village! I like that film a lot, I even translated the subs of the trailer into Mandarin and uploaded to Youtube, he's always being so kind and telling me "This part is very good."

在歪肯的這幾天幾乎天天都跟兩位見面 左邊的是本組導演Marco Wilms, 他來台灣參加過幾次金馬影展, 之前拍紀錄片時還有跟雷姆斯汀合作過, 最近拍的新記錄片叫做Art War, 是關於埃及藝術家革命電影, 問了他一下, 他說他花了2年時間, 飛了7次埃及, 近期內他可能還會再來台灣, 因為他接下來的構想是跟台灣的某個文化有關係的XDDD 他人超好的一直帶我亂闖禁區XDDDD
右邊的是攝影師Marcus Winterbauer, 他跟我說他7年前就來拍過歪肯, 我問他是甚麼片子, 他說是Full Metal Village... (當場大叫)
他也是親切度爆表啊, 一直跟我灌迷湯說"剛剛的鏡頭很好, 很好"
Left: Our director Marco, his latest film is called "Art War", about the artists in Egypt, he flew to Egypt 7 times for shooting this film and it took him 2 years. He also has another film in which he cooperated with Rammstein. He has been to Taiwan several times for the Golden Horse Film Festival. He might be here again for some reason XD
I need to thank him for taking me to so many special area and made it possible for me to do some crazy stuff, didn't really try crowd surfing though.
Right: Marcus, he's the cinematographer, when he told me he came to shoot in Wacken 7 years ago, I asked him the reason, it turns that he's the cinematographer of Full Metal Village! I like that film a lot.
He's always being so kind and telling me "This part is very good."


拍完明信片後就去排隊進場, 準備看每年固定開場的"Skyline", 其實就是創辦人與他的好朋友們, 陣容每年會有變化

2011年時有Grave Digger的Chris Boltendahl又有Doro, 還有Accept前任主唱Udo

To have an official start of W:O:A, you should take a look at "Skyline" which is the first show on Black Stages every year.

拍完明信片後就去排隊進場, 準備看每年固定開場的"Skyline", 其實就是創辦人與他的好朋友們, 陣容每年會有變化 2011年時有Grave Digger的Chris Boltendahl又有Doro, 還有Accept前任主唱Udo
To have an official start of W:O:A, you should take a look at "Skyline" which is the first show on Black Stages every year.




雖然會場的食物不便宜, 但是跑這麼遠來總是要試一下, 所以選了一家賣果醬鬆餅的

You shouldn't give up trying the food just because they are expensive, you've traveled a long way to get here. So, I'm gonna have something.

雖然會場的食物不便宜, 但是跑這麼遠來總是要試一下, 所以選了一家賣果醬鬆餅的
You shouldn't give up trying the food just because they are expensive, you've traveled a long way to get here. So, I'm gonna have something.




偷拍了一下隔壁蘋果汁的店面, 結果店員以光速擺好姿勢讓我拍

And apple juice from this stall.

偷拍了一下隔壁蘋果汁的店面, 結果店員以光速擺好姿勢讓我拍
And apple juice from this stall.




看完了沒有太多期待的Skyline(畢竟今年Doro跟Grave Digger都各自有表演了, 沒在這裡面) 今天最期待的節目之一是Haggard, 早早就去卡第一排, 唱到Awaking the century的時候我老淚縱橫啊 TT_____TT

After Skyline (without Doro and Grave Digger this year orz), I went to see Haggard in the front row, I've been looking forward to seeing them for years!!! I was crying when they sing "Awaking the centuries".

看完了沒有太多期待的Skyline(畢竟今年Doro跟Grave Digger都各自有表演了, 沒在這裡面) 今天最期待的節目之一是Haggard, 早早就去卡第一排, 唱到Awaking the century的時候我老淚縱橫啊 TT_____TT
After Skyline (without Doro and Grave Digger this year orz), I went to see Haggard in the front row, I've been looking forward to seeing them for years!!! I was crying when they sing "Awaking the centuries".




看Haggard時有個芬蘭女生來跟我說話, 她說"妳好漂亮!! 我以前有在臉書上看過妳耶, 我跟Haggard的Hans是朋友, 等一下我想看可不可以跟他們團員說到話" (是說我好像比較常被女生搭訕XDDD) 


While watching Haggard's gig, a Finnish girl came to talk to me and said: "You are very beautiful! I have seen you on facebook. I'm friend with Hans, I wanna see if he'd hear me."

After the show she told the staff this matter, then Hans really came out to the front.

看Haggard時有個芬蘭女生來跟我說話, 她說"妳好漂亮!! 我以前有在臉書上看過妳耶, 我跟Haggard的Hans是朋友, 等一下我想看可不可以跟他們團員說到話" (是說我好像比較常被女生搭訕XDDD) 後來還真的被她把Hans叫出來了
While watching Haggard's gig, a Finnish girl came to talk to me and said: "You are very beautiful! I have seen you on facebook. I'm friend with Hans, I wanna see if he'd hear me." After the show she told the staff this matter, then Hans really came out to the front.




不久我突然發現... Susanne也跑出來了, 立刻跑過去說我是從台灣來看他們, 立刻得到一個大抱抱 =//////=

當然合照也是完全ok啊, 我不知道她是不是急著要走, 但我要完合照就害羞地逃走了

The I saw Susanne as well, I went to tell her that I'm from Taiwan, then she gave me a hug  Took a picture with her, I'm not sure if she was in a hurry but I ran away after taking picture because I'm shy and nervous =.=!!!

不久我突然發現... Susanne也跑出來了, 立刻跑過去說我是從台灣來看他們, 立刻得到一個大抱抱 =//////= 當然合照也是完全ok啊, 我不知道她是不是急著要走, 但我要完合照就害羞地逃走了
The I saw Susanne as well, I went to tell her that I'm from Taiwan, then she gave me a hug Took a picture with her, I'm not sure if she was in a hurry but I ran away after taking picture because I'm shy and nervous =.=!!!




看完Haggard後跑去看Deep Purple, 雖然在台灣看過了, 不過來這再看等於又賺了幾千啊(?) 

紮實的老團, 今年連Wacken的圖案跟手環都是紫色的, 整團加起來325歲, 平均年齡65

Went to see Deep Purple afterwards, actually the Wacken logo and wristband this year are both purple as well, I think they are related XD

Sum of the age of band members: 325 years old.
Average: 65 years old.

You don't need to be in the front, but make sure you followed "Highway Star" and "Smoke on the water".

看完Haggard後跑去看Deep Purple, 雖然在台灣看過了, 不過來這再看等於又賺了幾千啊(?) 紮實的老團, 今年連Wacken的圖案跟手環都是紫色的, 整團加起來325歲, 平均年齡65
Went to see Deep Purple afterwards, actually the Wacken logo and wristband this year are both purple as well, I think they are related XD Sum of the age of band members: 325 years old. Average: 65 years old. You don't need to be in the front, but make sure you followed "Highway Star" and "Smoke on the water".




全團最年輕的Steve, 今年也59歲了

Steve, 59 years old, the youngest member in this band.

全團最年輕的Steve, 今年也59歲了
Steve, 59 years old, the youngest member in this band.




隨著Deep Purple表演結束, 天也終於快黑了, 會場的景觀又有了不一樣的變化

After Deep Purple's show, the sky is turning dark and beautiful.

隨著Deep Purple表演結束, 天也終於快黑了, 會場的景觀又有了不一樣的變化
After Deep Purple's show, the sky is turning dark and beautiful.




這時大螢幕播了歪肯明年要推出的3D記錄片試看版, 這時就可以拿出換手環時一併附贈的3D眼鏡

今年歪肯有推出個噱頭, 說要舉辦全世界最大的3D放映會, 就是這個了

After Deep Purple's show, Wacken played the trailer of Wacken 3D documentary, this is the reason they give everyone 3D glasses when dispatch wristbands.

這時大螢幕播了歪肯明年要推出的3D記錄片試看版, 這時就可以拿出換手環時一併附贈的3D眼鏡 今年歪肯有推出個噱頭, 說要舉辦全世界最大的3D放映會, 就是這個了
After Deep Purple's show, Wacken played the trailer of Wacken 3D documentary, this is the reason they give everyone 3D glasses when dispatch wristbands.




接著再與3D攝影團隊會合, 因為他們想拍我們跟另一組德國觀眾看雷姆斯汀的畫面, 這將會是一場硬仗... 因為要整群人想辦法在滿出來溢出來的觀眾當中前進, 並且不失散 囧

Met 3D film team before Rammstein's show, gonna be tough, we need to walk in the crowded crowd and not to miss one another.

接著再與3D攝影團隊會合, 因為他們想拍我們跟另一組德國觀眾看雷姆斯汀的畫面, 這將會是一場硬仗... 因為要整群人想辦法在滿出來溢出來的觀眾當中前進, 並且不失散 囧
Met 3D film team before Rammstein's show, gonna be tough, we need to walk in the crowded crowd and not to miss one another.




今天一起行動的德國觀眾, 是兩位非常死忠的雷姆斯汀樂迷, 而且他們說今晚跟我一樣被安排突擊卡拉ok, 這樣就有伴了, 讓我安心了不少XDDD

The 2 German guys are big fans of Rammstein, and they will be in the midnight karaoke tonight as well, I feel relieved, haha~

今天一起行動的德國觀眾, 是兩位非常死忠的雷姆斯汀樂迷, 而且他們說今晚跟我一樣被安排突擊卡拉ok, 這樣就有伴了, 讓我安心了不少XDDD The 2 German guys are big fans of Rammstein, and they will be in the midnight karaoke tonight as well, I feel relieved, haha~


接著大螢幕上秀出了雷姆斯汀團徽, 光是團徽就夠了 (雖然一般都是寫團名)

但是整團團隊要前進非常困難, 某些雷姆斯汀樂迷還動手推導演, 這場的觀眾組成有些是只來看雷姆斯汀的, 而在德國也有人認為雷姆斯汀的屁孩樂迷還不少(攤手) 其他朋友身在幾個不同的區塊, 都有遇到沒品人, 在別的樂團的場頻率沒這麼高

我們整群退去邊邊看, 導演讓我跟攝影機坐在很高的垃圾桶上, 視野還不錯, 後來整組都在跟著歌甩頭

Then the big screen shew Rammstein's band logo. We went to somewhere of the corner coz it was to difficult to go close to the stage. I was sitting on a rubbish bin which is very tall xD

接著大螢幕上秀出了雷姆斯汀團徽, 光是團徽就夠了 (雖然一般都是寫團名) 但是整團團隊要前進非常困難, 某些雷姆斯汀樂迷還動手推導演, 這場的觀眾組成有些是只來看雷姆斯汀的, 而在德國也有人認為雷姆斯汀的屁孩樂迷還不少(攤手) 其他朋友身在幾個不同的區塊, 都有遇到沒品人, 在別的樂團的場頻率沒這麼高 我們整群退去邊邊看, 導演讓我跟攝影機坐在很高的垃圾桶上, 視野還不錯, 後來整組都在跟著歌甩頭
Then the big screen shew Rammstein's band logo. We went to somewhere of the corner coz it was to difficult to go close to the stage. I was sitting on a rubbish bin which is very tall xD




舞台效果從一開場到最後爆破連連, Bück Dich的經典亂射戲碼不會少, Du Hast也免不了全場大合唱, Pussy則放在安可曲; 後面還推出了粉紅色XX形狀大砲, 往觀眾瘋狂噴灑了一堆泡沫, 射程超遠 

這場演唱會做的舞台效果真的很厲害, 可以到離舞台有一段距離的觀眾區, 就算你不是雷姆斯汀的樂迷, 也會大為讚嘆, 我自己就覺得這是我看過最好看的演唱會, 沒有之一

Fire fire fire, and of course you see what always happens when they perform Bück Dich; people sang along with Du Hast, Pussy is encore; there was a pink canon of ______ shape, shooting bubbles to audience. 

The stage effect is astonishin, and goes far away from the stage, even you were not Rammstein fan, you would still be surprised! For me, this is the best concert I've ever seen (in some aspects)




舞台效果從一開場到最後爆破連連, Bück Dich的經典亂射戲碼不會少, Du Hast也免不了全場大合唱, Pussy則放在安可曲; 後面還推出了粉紅色XX形狀大砲, 往觀眾瘋狂噴灑了一堆泡沫, 射程超遠 這場演唱會做的舞台效果真的很厲害, 可以到離舞台有一段距離的觀眾區, 就算你不是雷姆斯汀的樂迷, 也會大為讚嘆, 我自己就覺得這是我看過最好看的演唱會, 沒有之一

Fire fire fire, and of course you see what always happens when they perform Bück Dich; people sang along with Du Hast, Pussy is encore; there was a pink canon of ______ shape, shooting bubbles to audience. The stage effect is astonishin, and goes far away from the stage, even you were not Rammstein fan, you would still be surprised! For me, this is the best concert I've ever seen (in some aspects)




看完雷姆斯汀, 我又跑到Bullhead City的後台了, 看看那精美的歪肯點心, 我立刻收了2包, 有水果軟糖跟烤杏仁啊!!! 

After Rammstein, I'm in the backstage of Bullhead City again, look at the W:O:A snacks *_*

看完雷姆斯汀, 我又跑到Bullhead City的後台了, 看看那精美的歪肯點心, 我立刻收了2包, 有水果軟糖跟烤杏仁啊!!! After Rammstein, I'm in the backstage of Bullhead City again, look at the W:O:A snacks *_*


但被帶到這是因為等一下要上台了, 但是我10小時前才被告知可以上台唱的歌曲, 選擇只有:
1) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
2) Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
當下當然就直接選雷米叔了, 雖然我去ktv不是會唱摩托頭的人, 但是我跟辛蒂小姐不熟啊... 好險友人的iPod有歌, 所以我用了一點時間惡補

The reason I'm here is because I'm gonna be on stage soon, and I was just informed my choices 10 hours ago as below:
1) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
2) Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
Which would you go with? I chose Lemmy! Then my friend lent me his iPod so I had some chances to practice.

但被帶到這是因為等一下要上台了, 但是我10小時前才被告知可以上台唱的歌曲, 選擇只有: 1) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 2) Motörhead - Ace Of Spades 當下當然就直接選雷米叔了, 雖然我去ktv不是會唱摩托頭的人, 但是我跟辛蒂小姐不熟啊... 好險友人的iPod有歌, 所以我用了一點時間惡補
The reason I'm here is because I'm gonna be on stage soon, and I was just informed my choices 10 hours ago as below: 1) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 2) Motörhead - Ace Of Spades Which would you go with? I chose Lemmy! Then my friend lent me his iPod so I had some chances to practice.




上台是像這樣, 會有樂團幫你伴奏, 樂手都是金屬路線不是那卡西, 因為是金屬卡拉ok時間所以也會有字幕可以看, 觀眾也可以同樂

So, you'll have a band play for you, they are all very good players, and since there will be lyrics on the screen, the audience will be singing with you sometimes.

上台是像這樣, 會有樂團幫你伴奏, 樂手都是金屬路線不是那卡西, 因為是金屬卡拉ok時間所以也會有字幕可以看, 觀眾也可以同樂
So, you'll have a band play for you, they are all very good players, and since there will be lyrics on the screen, the audience will be singing with you sometimes.




我沒有拍我上台的影片或照片, 但是它應該會在明年德國上映的記錄片裡, 上台唱時我聽不到自己的聲音感覺有點爆掉, 不過這次沒發抖啊感覺很盡興, 因為看得到台下的人都在一起唱Ace of spades XDDD 而且上台主持人問我"你從哪裡來"時, 直接回答"TAIWAN"感覺超爽的好嗎?

I didn't take pictures of video of my being on stage, but it might be in the film next year, I couldn't hear my voice while singing, so I think it was a bit shit, but I didn't feel nervous this time since I saw people were singing Ace of spades with me 

Feel great when I answered the host that I'm from Taiwan. It's simply Taiwan, not anything about China.

我沒有拍我上台的影片或照片, 但是它應該會在明年德國上映的記錄片裡, 上台唱時我聽不到自己的聲音感覺有點爆掉, 不過這次沒發抖啊感覺很盡興, 因為看得到台下的人都在一起唱Ace of spades XDDD 而且上台主持人問我"你從哪裡來"時, 直接回答"TAIWAN"感覺超爽的好嗎?
I didn't take pictures of video of my being on stage, but it might be in the film next year, I couldn't hear my voice while singing, so I think it was a bit shit, but I didn't feel nervous this time since I saw people were singing Ace of spades with me Feel great when I answered the host that I'm from Taiwan. It's simply Taiwan, not anything about China.




我唱完後下了台, 有個愛爾蘭金屬頭跑過來膜拜我, 然後抬槓了一下, 我說:
"W:O:A完我要去英格蘭北部耶~ 雖然我知道英格蘭跟愛爾蘭不同XDDDD"
他說: "英格蘭北部... 那邊太多英格蘭人了"
果然大不列顛各地也是喜歡互相戰來戰去的啊, 就像不管哪裡都在戰東西南北一樣

後來繼續把表演看完, 今天一起行動的兩個德國樂迷在沒有很熟也沒有機會練習的狀況下, 把The Final Countdown零零落落地唱完了, 雖然如此但是很有笑果

其他也有很多滿厲害的人上台的, 聽就知道大概有在玩團, 唱到還可以跟樂手通通衝下台跟觀眾互動, 超專業

After finishing singing, I came back to the front row, an Irish metalhead was worshipping me lol I told him I'm heading to Northern England after W:O:A, he said: "There are too many English." Guess it's like this everywhere lol wars between norther/southern parts of a country/kindom. 

The the 2 Rammstein fans I met earlier went onto the stage and sang The Final Countdown, they didn't have time to practice and they weren't familiar with this song, but somehow it still worked and it was funny XDDDD

Also there are other people who you can tell that they must be in a band already from how good they are. Some even went off the stage to interact with the audience, super professional.

我唱完後下了台, 有個愛爾蘭金屬頭跑過來膜拜我, 然後抬槓了一下, 我說: "W:O:A完我要去英格蘭北部耶~ 雖然我知道英格蘭跟愛爾蘭不同XDDDD" 他說: "英格蘭北部... 那邊太多英格蘭人了" 果然大不列顛各地也是喜歡互相戰來戰去的啊, 就像不管哪裡都在戰東西南北一樣 後來繼續把表演看完, 今天一起行動的兩個德國樂迷在沒有很熟也沒有機會練習的狀況下, 把The Final Countdown零零落落地唱完了, 雖然如此但是很有笑果 其他也有很多滿厲害的人上台的, 聽就知道大概有在玩團, 唱到還可以跟樂手通通衝下台跟觀眾互動, 超專業
After finishing singing, I came back to the front row, an Irish metalhead was worshipping me lol I told him I'm heading to Northern England after W:O:A, he said: "There are too many English." Guess it's like this everywhere lol wars between norther/southern parts of a country/kindom. The the 2 Rammstein fans I met earlier went onto the stage and sang The Final Countdown, they didn't have time to practice and they weren't familiar with this song, but somehow it still worked and it was funny XDDDD Also there are other people who you can tell that they must be in a band already from how good they are. Some even went off the stage to interact with the audience, super professional.

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